Match Report

U18’s Match Report – Round 12

We hosted Sturt at Hisense stadium for our Round 12 fixture.

In the first half, our team struggled to set up effective structures on the field. This lack of organisation impacted our ability to win contests, and as a result our performance fell below the standard we expect. Our positioning and spacing weren’t up to par, which made it challenging to execute our game plan effectively.

Post stoppages we lacked the necessary intensity and intent. This deficiency made it difficult to regain control of the ball and gain territory. As a result, we found ourselves on the back foot, trying to defend against their ball movement for extended periods. Our inability to apply consistent pressure allowed the opposition to dictate the play and maintain possession.

However, I must commend the boys for their response in the second half. They demonstrated an improvement in their intent and commitment, which translated into better ball movement and more scoring opportunities.

Despite the improvements, we have clearly identified several areas that need attention and focus in the coming weeks. By addressing these issues, we aim to help the players compete more consistently and effectively.

Overall while the first half was challenging, the second half showed promising signs.

Joel Parker’s application and execution was excellent throughout the entire game and was judged our best player by the coaching staff. Sam Burbridge was effective offensively at stoppages and Will Ashton contributed well in our back half.

Best: Joel Parker, Sam Burbridge, Will Ashton, Jaylen Sochacki and Mitchell Marsh

Goals: Patrick Amber, Sam Burbridge, Mitch Marsh, Trent Ogle (1)

Talent Manager & U18 Coach Russell Godson