SANFLW Best & Fairest Recap

Last Saturday night we hosted our SANFLW Best & Fairest night for season 2024 at the Hotel Grand Chancellor. A very successful night, thank you to everyone who was in attendance and Hotel Grand Chancellor for having us.

A big Congratulations to Zoe Venning who was awarded the Best & Fairest after another sensational season. That is now 3 Best & Fairest Zoe has won, which is an amazing achievement!

Emma Kilpatrick finished runner up with Madi Russell rounding out the top 3. There were also a lot more awards announced on the night whihc you can find below.

SANFLW Best & Fairest – Zoe Venning

SANFLW Runner Up – Emma Kilpatrick

SANFLW 3rd Place – Madison Russell

Players’ Player – Emma Kilpatrick

SANFLW Coaches Award – Tiana Fernandez

SANFLW Emerging Talent – Emily Mableson

Development League Best & Fairest – Philippa Worthley

Development League Runner Up – Milli Gentle

Development League 3rd Place & Trademark Award – Niamh Davis

Development League Coaches Award – Nicola Biagi

Development League Emerging Talent – Lucy Waye

We also payed tribute to our retirees from SANFLW footy – Thank you to Bec Hansen, Zoe Greer and Astrid Powell for all your commitment and positive impact on the West Adelaide Football Club.


Zoe Venning

Emma Kilpatrick

Madison Russell

Tiana Fernandez

Emily Mableson

Niamh Davis

Philippa Worthley

Lucy Waye