Match Report

League Match Report – Round 13

It was another disappointing result for the League side v Norwood on Sunday at home.

We understood that Norwood are a strong contest and defence-first side. Our focus was again making sure our contest method was at a level that matched Norwood’s, whilst also being braver with ball in hand than what we had shown in weeks prior, to test Norwood’s defence.  Whilst our contest was good, our ability to control the ball and connect from line to line wasn’t to the standard required to compete at this level.

Fourteen goals against from turnover and only managing 51 uncontested marks for the game tells us that we did not handle Norwood’s pressure at all well as we continuously gave the ball back through poor decision making, connection and skill execution – all areas of our game we are working hard on. Trust that our Coaches, Leaders, Playing Group and Support Staff are working tirelessly to continuously improve our on-field input and getting back to playing the exciting style of football we know we are capable of.

I can’t thank our supporters enough for your ongoing support. Even after a poor result on the weekend it was great to see so many loyal supporters, members and past players back at the club post-game.

Congratulations to Josh Gore on your 50th League game for our Club. We’re lucky to have you mate.

Finally, I want to acknowledge the contribution of Josh Ryan to our Club both from an on-field and off-field perspective. Over the best part of a decade Josh has been one of the best Key Defenders in the competition and has been recently acknowledged with State representation. A Neil Kerley Medallist, Josh is an unbelievable competitor, ultimate professional in terms of his preparation and standards and will be sorely missed an on the field.

Best: J. Sinderberry, S. Frost, J. Obst

Goals: H. Ellem, M. Laudato, D. McCormick, J. Obst, K. Ryan, N. Stevens (1)

League Coach – Adam Hartlett