Match Report

League Match Report – Round 12

Our League side faced in-form Sturt Football Club at Thomas Farms Oval on Saturday. Ned Stevens returned to the line-up after two weeks out of the side, and Liam Delahunty was a late replacement for our state full-back, Josh Ryan.

The focus for the day was to match Sturt’s contest and stoppage game and limit turnover scores against through smart ball movement and tight / organised defence. We knew that we would need to be consistent and disciplined in our approach to each phase of the game.

Sturt’s intensity around the contest and their ability to force us into mistakes through relentless pressure was a key take away for us from that game. Many times over the four quarters we were able to gain possession but were unable to dispose of the ball cleanly or to the advantage of a teammate due to perceived or actual pressure. As a group we need to address this and learn to become comfortable in a hostile situation, and then execute. That is the standard and that is the expectation to succeed at this level of football.

We lacked consistency with our ball use. We lacked consistency with our contest shape and structure. We lacked consistency on defence and at this level, that is the difference between the good teams and the great teams. We want to become great; we’ve shown throughout the season we can be great, but until we become consistent in all phases of the game on a weekly basis, we will continue with these mixed results.

Liam Delahunty and Harvey Bock were standouts in Defence whilst Sam Frost and Kobe Ryan worked tirelessly around the ball all day.

It is important we regroup after a couple of poor performances at League level this past fortnight, we will review honestly, and we will train with energy and intent as we face Norwood at home this Sunday.

Best: Liam Delahunty, Sam Frost, Harvey Bock

Goals: J. Gore, M. Laudato, J. Sinderberry (1)

League Coach – Adam Hartlett