Club News

Adam Hartlett Contract Extension to October 2025

2023 showed some excellent promise for our Senior Men’s teams. Our on field performance has increased markedly, even though this has not been reflected in our position on the ladder. Having debuted a number of our younger players, we remained competitive and united as a team. Senior coach Adam Hartlett has demonstrated his commitment to raising the standard of play, nurturing his players and staff, while always ensuring that they didn’t give up. This was evident in our spirit to fight out each game, continue holding our heads high, and increasing our overall fitness and skills.

The President and Board of West Adelaide Football Club are pleased to announce that Adam’s contract will be extended to October 2025 in recognition of the work he has achieved in the Football Department, and the positive impact he has had on the Club. President, John Kantilaftas is confident that “off the back of 2023, we are even more convinced in Adam’s ability to drive success; having earnt great respect from players, staff and the members in the process. A Westies man through and through, we believe that Adam is the perfect fit to take us forward during the next two years. He has set standards to which everyone is working towards, and we would like to acknowledge his contribution to the Club through this extension. Congratulations Adam”.

John Kantilaftas – President